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RF machine
RF machine
RF machine
RF machine
RF machine
RF machine
448K CET RET RF machine for face and body skin tightening
  • Model: YK-RF01
Power: 200w
Carrier Frequency:0.3MHz and 0.5MHz
Maximum Intensity:80Ma RMS
Out Modes:Round Electodes/Rectangle Type
Treatment Timer:0-60minutes

This system, based on the 448 kHz frequency which is the key of our active cell therapy, activates biostimulation, stimulates microcirculation and promotes metabolic hyperactivation, while respecting cell physiology.

The 448 kHz frequency enhances ion mobilisation through the intra and extracellular matrix that restores the permeability of cell membrane potential. 

The cellular electrical balance optimises tissue recovery by supplying oxygen and nutrients, through the body’s natural blood supply. The circulatory activation (microcirculation and vasodilation) stimulates proliferation and fibroblasts activity generated by collagen. The result is tissue regeneration promoted by the 448 kHz frequency.